Tutoring in Los Angeles helps students improve their grades and overcome the difficulties they may encounter in learning math.
Our goal is to ensure rigorous, high level of math proficiency.
Tutors at Tutoring in Los Angeles use the appropriate grade-level math strategies aligned with the California content standards.
A high-quality math program is essential for all students and provides every student with the opportunity to choose among the full range of future career paths. Math, when taught well, is a subject of beauty and elegance, exciting in its logic and coherence. It trains the mind to be analytic providing the foundation for intelligent and precise thinking.
To compete successfully in the worldwide economy, today s students must have a high degree of comprehension in math. For too long schools have suffered from the notion that success in math is the province of a talented few. Instead, a new expectation is needed: all students will attain California s math academic content standards, and many will be inspired to achieve far beyond the minimum standards. These content standards establish what every student in California can and needs to learn in math. They are comparable to the standards of the most academically demanding nations, including Japan and Singapore two high-performing countries in the Third International Math and Science Study.
Math is critical for all students, not only those who will have careers that demand advanced math preparation but all citizens who will be living in the twenty-first century. These standards are based on the premise that all students are capable of learning rigorous math and learning it well, and all are capable of learning far more than is currently expected. Proficiency in most of math is not an innate characteristic; it is achieved through persistence, effort, and practice on the part of students and rigorous and effective instruction on the part of teachers. Parents and teachers must provide support and encouragement. The standards focus on essential content for all students and prepare students for the study of advanced math, science and technical careers, and postsecondary study in all content areas. All students are required to grapple with solving problems; develop abstract, analytic thinking skills; learn to deal effectively and comfortably with variables and equations; and use math notation effectively to model situations. The goal in math education is for students to:
The standards identify what all students in California public schools should know and be able to do at each grade level. The standards emphasize computational and procedural skills, conceptual understanding, and problem solving. These three components of math instruction and learning are not separate from each other; instead, they are intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Basic, or computational and procedural, skills are those skills that all students should learn to use routinely and automatically. Students should practice basic skills sufficiently and frequently enough to commit them to memory.
Math arises wherever there are difficult problems that involve quantity, structure, space, or change.At first these were found in commerce, land measurement and later astronomy; nowadays, all sciences suggest problems studied by mathematicians, and many problems arise within math itself.
For example, the physicist Richard Feynman invented the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics using a combination of mathematical reasoning and physical insight, and today's string theory, a still-developing scientific theory which attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature, continues to inspire new math. Some math is only relevant in the area that inspired it, and is applied to solve further problems in that area. But often math inspired by one area proves useful in many areas, and joins the general stock of math concepts.The remarkable fact that even the "purest" math often turns out to have practical applications is what Eugene Wigner has called "the unreasonable effectiveness of math."
The major disciplines within math first arose out of the need to do calculations in commerce, to understand the relationships between numbers, to measure land, and to predict astronomical events. These four needs can be roughly related to the broad subdivision of mathematics into the study of quantity, structure, space, and change (i.e., arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and analysis).
In addition to these main concerns, there are also subdivisions dedicated to exploring links from the heart of mathematics to other fields: to logic, to set theory , to the empirical mathematics of the various sciences (applied math), and more recently to the rigorous study of uncertainty.
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