SAT Tutoring in Hancock Park
Every time a football player goes to ply his trade he's got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.
Vince Lombardi
Revolutions never occur in math.
Michael Crowe
So if a man's wit be wandering, let him study the math; for in demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin again.
Francis Bacon
Math are well and good but nature keeps dragging us around by the nose.
Albert Einstein
Math are usually considered as being the very antipodes of Poesy.
Thomas Hill
Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics.
Dean Schlicter
Trigonometry is a sine of the times.
SAT Tutoring in Hancock Park