Physiology Tutoring
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Physiology is a course offered in high school and in college. There are Physiology sections in different tests, such as TEAS or HESI, and our tutors can help with that too.
Physiology can sometimes be a challenging course and Tutoring in Los Angeles is ready to help with a qualified tutor, versed in tutoring Physiology and well educated in this course content.
Physiology is the study of normal function and processes that create life. It is a sub section of biology that studies how the body parts are working and are related to each other. Physiology and anatomy are close related to each other. However, anatomy studies the structure and identity of the body parts, while physiology studies how these parts work together to support life.
Home is the heart, the centermost core
Alive in your chest with a critical chore
Pumping away like the beat of a drum
And moving the blood from your foot to your thumb
Circulation begins where the arteries start
By pushing the blood cells away from the heart
Down the aorta and into the flow
Delivering oxygen needed below
A system of arteries branching throughout
To nourish the organs around and about
Till the blood finally reaches the furthest domains
Where capillaries merge and converge into veins
Returning by way of the great vena cava
Coming in thick like a rush of hot lava
Back to the center, but oxygen poor
Time for a breath of fresh air to restore
Approaching the lungs at a regular pace
Here an exchanging of gasses takes place
From the windpipe comes oxygen deeply inhaled
While carbon dioxide is slowly exhaled
One vessel opened another constricted
Constantly moving those three quarts of liquid
The cycle continues, the blood runs its course
Endlessly pulsing with bodily force